Become part of sustainable support by sponsoring one of the children or young people.

By sponsoring a child, you give your sponsored child security and the confidence to receive an adequate education. The sponsorship also provides your sponsored child with food, clothing and medical care. 
When helping the Maasai, the focus is on the child, but the empowerment of individuals leads to the strengthening of a self-determined society.

What does a sponsorship look like?

As we want to protect the children entrusted to us, we would like to present the sponsorship by means of an example.

Grace (name changed) was born on 22.02.2011. Her mother was one of 9 wives of the respected and relatively wealthy Maasai and father of Grace, who died about 10 years ago. As the inheritance was divided among all the wives and their children, Grace's mother and her 6 siblings were left with only the bare necessities of daily life.

She owns a few goats, whose tasty milk in tea and maize porridge provides nutritious food. She also earns some money as a cook in a small local restaurant in the village. Grace's mother cannot afford the expensive schooling for all her children.
Massai Kind mit Flasche
Massai Sportunterricht
When Grace is at home, she helps her mother with the chores, such as milking goats, washing clothes, cooking and going with her siblings to fetch firewood and water.

Grace is very sporty and enjoys playing ball games with her friends. She also sings enthusiastically in the Maasai choir at the local church and knows the traditional Maasai dances.

Grace needs two sponsorships worth €35 each, as her mum can't afford to pay much herself.

Even if Grace herself is already in the sponsorship programme - we are always looking for more HftM Ambassadors who can help out financially as sponsors. As an Ambassador, you are a valuable part of our HftM family and receive regular updates from your sponsored child.
What does it cost to become a sponsor?
Massai Preis 35€
for a single sponsorship
Massai Preis 70€
sponsoring a child in a boarding school
As a project sponsor you help us flexibly in the event of financial bottlenecks or to bridge sponsorship gaps. Your donation will not be allocated to a specific HftM project but will be used where it is needed.

Become an HftM Ambassador now and sponsor one of our school children or become an HftM project sponsor:
Become a sponsor
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