Do you want to support a good cause, have fun and promote sustainable projects? Then become an HftM Ambassador and support the project work in Tanzania through your initiative.

Either you already have a cool idea, or you can activate other committed people in your school, club or circle of friends and start your own fundraising campaign!

We will support you with information material and share your campaigns on the HftM channels.

Let's make a difference now!
Übernimm eine Patenschaft Massai
Massai Kinder Glücklich mit Helfer
If you are interested in a voluntary social year, would like to gain an insight into HftM's project work and take on responsibility, then apply now to us or our long-standing partners at Coworkers.

We look forward to keeping in touch with you after your stay in the project. Our alumni network "Rafiki wa Massai" gives you the opportunity to get involved in the work in Tanzania after your stay.

Have a look into our info material
Massai Daumen
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